Friday, August 28, 2015

Personal Development Quote

Personal Development Quote 
" A man with out a goal is like a ship with out a rudder."~Thomas Carlyle
                              Reflection: What this quote means to me is if no one has any goals in life then its a boring life of just nothing. For example if your an adult and you accomplish everything you wanted to an know you have no goals then what are you going to do? Your basically just sitting there with nothing else to do most of the time. Lets just say that goals are the crazy things and the most important things that makes your life full and with out them your life is nit fun and dull. would you want to life that life? Goals are like risks sometimes they are excited and dangerous, but sometimes they are the best choices in life. Most people wont and don't see that but those are the life of boring people.
How dose this relate to your 100+ life planning goals?
A way that this whole thing relates to my 100+ LPG is that those are the things that help me be risky and take chances in life. Goals help me be someone i want to be. Goals show me how far i as a person can go. It shows me who i can really be as a person.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015



Assertiveness means confidently aggressive or self-assured. Other words that describe assertiveness are positive, aggressive and dogmatic.

“Assertiveness is your ability to act in harmony with yourself without hurting others.”~Anon
What this quote is meaning to me is that it is really important to be assertive than just be plan out mean, rude and also hurt full to people around you.An example of being assertive is if you and a sibling have to share chores and your sibling dosent want to do them or dosent do them just don't go automatically yelling at them or give them dirty looks. you just have to just talk to them in a respectful mater. 

Monday, August 24, 2015

life planning

                                                               Life Planning Goals.........
1.Finish all my goals
2.Be able to work my dream job
3.Graduate High School
4.Try my best on not being so shy and quiet
5.Own my dream truck
6.Be able to help and provide for my family in the future
7.Not be such a let down to my friends and family
8.Try to go visit were i used to live in Mexico (Zacatecas)
9.Travel the world
10.Go to Paris or Spain
11.Go sky diving
12.Have a family
13.Have a businesses
14.Ride in an air plane
15.learn how to draw
16.Be able to be a positive "role-mode"
17.Just being able to trust a person
18.Going to six flags
19. Watching the to ten Scariest movies
20.Finishing all 100+ goals 


Accountability means the conditions of being responsible and accountable for your actions even though the might be negative or positive.
Quote: “The keys to brand success are self-definitions, transparency, authenticity, and accountability.” Simon Mainwaring  

Quote Reflection:  what this quote means to me is that there are more things that can just link on success like for example authenticity and accountability etc.